- conducting preliminary research
- identify scientific and technical achievements in the field;
- perform patent searches;
- do theoretical research, modelling;
- develop full-scale and virtual (computer) layouts;
- do processes experimental investigation
- preparation of feasibility study
- determine the initial data, analyse market sector information;
- assess the existing business opportunities of the enterprise;
- identify sources of raw materials, material factors for business development;
- calculate the capital costs expected to achieve the goal;
- calculate and structure operating costs while executing the project;
- create a production plan;
- assessment of costs, results and payback period of the project;
- provide general information about the future project
- development of a set of project documents
develop a complete set of documents for design-engineering preparation of production:
- technical proposal;
- sketch design;
- technical project;
- working project;
- preliminary tests (without the participation of the customer);
- acceptance tests (with the participation of the customer);
- finalization of documentation based on test results;
- development of documents on production organization and management
- develop technological documentation for the manufacturing and testing of a prototype or batch;
- develop and adjust technological documentation based on the results of manufacturing and testing (preliminary and acceptance) of a prototype or a batch for further manufacture and testing of series (mass) production of products;
- development of documents for operation of equipment and sale of finished products:
develop a set of operational documents for correct use of products